Museum in Downtown Lindstrom
(12795 Lake Blvd, Lindstrom)
Winter Hours
January 1 - March 31: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Noon-4pm; Saturdays 10am-4pm
April 1 - December 31: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10am-4pm Saturday: 10am-4pm
Rush City Museum - Closed for the Season
(350 South Elliot Ave, Rush City)
Saturdays 10am - 2pm;
May through September
or call to arrange an appointment (651)257-5310
"Winter Fun"
Tis the Season to be freezing! Our exhibit for the snowy months is all about winter activities, celebrations, and hobbies. Skiing, tobogganing, hockey, ice skating, and snowshoeing are all represented in this frosty exhibit. A special center display of fur coats from the CCHS collection with information about local shops of the past is a key feature. This exhibit will be up until the end of March 2025., and you should really see it!
Other CCHS Museum Exhibits
Immigration Stories, a Millinery and Menswear Shop, Ancient Native American items, Crex Wiregrass, Pharmacy, Cobbler Shop, and Local Advertising displays
©2024 The Chisago County Historical Society